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  • Smart Phones - eBook

    The missing guide for boring hand phone users! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Using Your Smartphone!Do you need a smartphone? To answer this question, we should know why these phones are called smartphones. Smartphones are different from traditional phones in the features they offer. You no longer have to carry your laptop or sit the entire day in front of your desktop…
    € 1.99 EUR 08 June 2015 01:30 AM 0 14552 5.0

  • The Gambling Monster - eBook

    Slay The Urge To Spend Your Life Savings On Long Shots! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Beating Gambling!For many people, the act of recreational gambling can be a source of hours of harmless entertainment. Unfortunately, some people become too attached to the thrill that comes from gambling and a monster begins to develop inside of them. This is the monster of addiction…
    € 1.99 EUR 30 May 2015 04:43 AM 0 5313 0.0

  • Your Money Mind

    Your Guide to Instant Smart Finances ... Learn The Secrets to a Money Mind And The Inside Scoop on Smart Finances!You have been through a quite tough couple of years, not to mention decade, most especially when it comes to financial.With this New Year, most people from the different parts of the globe, regardless of what status they may have, are now looking for the most effective ways in order to…
    € 1.99 EUR 15 March 2015 03:13 AM 0 4818 0.0

  • 7 Products In 7 Days

    Amazing Secrets Of Warp Speed Product Creation!If you've ever wanted to get a little sneaky peak at how someone else's online business works for once, even if it's to see if you're doing things in the right way, now's your chance.Just think, what could you do with four new product ideas twice a week that only take you an hour to conceive and start building? This isn't something…
    € 1.99 EUR 14 March 2015 06:53 PM 0 4617 0.0

  • Windows 7 For Dummies

    The perfect plain-English guide to the much-anticipated release of Windows 7 Windows For Dummies is the all-time bestselling guide to the Windows operating system. Windows 7 For Dummies answers all your questions about the interface adjustments and all the new tools in Windows 7. Whether you're new to computers or just eager to start using the newest version of Windows, expert author…
    € 16.99 EUR 22 July 2011 11:13 AM 0 4424 0.0

  • Android Development For Dummies

    Even if you've never written a mobile application, this book has the know-how you need to turn your great ideas into cool apps for the Android platform. With millions of smartphone users and a cornucopia of carriers, Android is a great place to ply the app development trade. This book shows you from the ground up how to set up your environment and create an app. Read on to become an Android developer…
    € 16.99 EUR 22 July 2011 11:10 AM 0 4605 0.0

  • How to Make Your Photos Look Like the Pros

    Scott Kelby, the man who changed the "digital darkroom" forever with his groundbreaking, #1 bestselling, award-winning book The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, now tackles the most important side of digital photography—how to take pro-quality shots using the same tricks today's top digital pros use (and it's easier than you'd think). This entire book is written with…
    € 8.99 EUR 22 July 2011 11:09 AM 0 4351 0.0

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