Browsing Category Drama

liquam in sapien non sem ultrices luctus. Vestibulum non orci ac nisl egestas ultrices quis eget mauris. Vestibulum commodo lorem eu nisl pellentesque faucibus. Vestibulum a erat nunc, eu cursus tellus.

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  • Metamorphosis

    A man wakes up one day to find he has been changed into a large insect/beetle. The story follows his efforts to deal with this, and his family's reaction to the change. But it's not just a story about a man turning into a beetle, it's a clever way of writing about how a family would deal with the main breadwinner in the house becoming unable to work, and also on a wider scope, the way…
    € 1.99 EUR 22 July 2011 10:57 AM 0 4308 0.0

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