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Health & Wellness

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  • Ultimate Dog Care Kit

    Learning How to Take Proper Care of Your Pet Dog is Crucial to a Long and Happy Life for Your Pet!Many dog owners are unaware that, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, close to half the dogs in the USA are considered overweight and 6.7 million of those dogs are designated as clinically obese.And research has shown that overweight dogs can often die up to two years earlier than…
    € 1.99 EUR 16 March 2015 12:21 AM 0 3253 0.0

  • Weight Loss Kickstart

    Looking To Lose Weight But Don't Know How To Start? Revealed! Super Simple Steps To Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey & Live Healthy! Have you ever set new years resolutions to lose weight, then started only to find that despite the hunger and frustration, you didn't manage to lose any weight? Trying to lose weight is a tough and relentless effort. You starve yourself for days hoping…
    € 1.99 EUR 15 March 2015 05:41 PM 0 3651 5.0

  • Yoga For Everyone

    Surefire Ways To Get Healthier And At The Same Time Cash In On The Lucritive Healing Niche!Healing is an super- raging niche these days, and if you're a smart marketer, seeking a niche market to predominate as well as get healing information for yourself, you'll find the lucrative world of healing niche marketing is a fruitful direction to go in as well as a sound way to better your health.Health…
    € 1.99 EUR 15 March 2015 03:02 AM 0 3123 0.0

  • Juicing Jumpstart

    Using juicing for better health! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Juicing! Juicing is becoming quite popular in society these days. There are many benefits that can be gained from beginning to juice. There are many people who will tell you that juicing makes them look and feel great. On the other hand, there are people who think that juicing is unhealthy and this is due…
    € 1.99 EUR 08 March 2015 08:58 PM 0 3332 0.0

  • The New Health And Wellness Shift - eBooks

    Learning About The New Health & Wellness Revolution Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success! Master Yourself, Your Health And Your Future Today! Do you prefer to be fitter but don't know where to start? Are you sick of feeling debilitated and wiped out? Are you losingyour verve, your health, your 'sparkle' and would like to recover it? Most individuals want keener health,…
    € 1.99 EUR 08 March 2015 07:05 PM 0 3290 5.0

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