Stop Your Addictions Today - eBook

All The Tools You Need To Break Addictive Habits! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Stopping Your Addictions Today! Imagine that you are taking a puff of a cigarette, a slug of whiskey, a snort of cocaine, a shot of heroin, a toke of marijuana. Put aside first whether the drugs are legal or not.

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  • Stop Your Addictions Today - eBook
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    All The Tools You Need To Break Addictive Habits! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Stopping Your Addictions Today!

    Imagine that you are taking a puff of a cigarette, a slug of whiskey, a snort of cocaine, a shot of heroin, a toke of marijuana. Put aside first whether the drugs are legal or not.

    For now, just concentrate on the chemistry. The moment you take that puff, that slug, that snort, that shot, that toke, trillions of potent molecules rush through your bloodstream before finally reaching your brain.

    Once they settle there, these molecules will set off a cascade of electrical and chemical events, a type of neurological chain reaction that will ricochet around your skull and rearrange your minds interior reality. And before you know it, you are addicted.

    Everyone in this world has his or her own addictions. Too much of something is bad enough and when your addictions go overboard, you should know that it is time for you to stop them before they gain full control of your system, before you reach that point of no return.

    In this book, expect to learn the most effective and useful tools that can help you break free from your bad addictive habits so that you will be able to live your life to the fullest.

    Addiction Basics

    Acknowledge the Addiction

    Be Rational and Dont Deny

    Get Coping Skills

    What Are Your Triggers

    Lifestyle Changes

    Be Accountable

    Have Support In Place

    Reward Accomplishments

    And so much more...

    License: Master Resell Rights
    € 1.99 EUR 03 June 2015 04:21 AM 6584

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