Surviving The Wild Outdoors - eBook

Do you love to be outdoors? Can you imagine yourself living off ofthe wild, totally cutting off your dependence on the conveniences of modern civilization - even if only for a few days? If you're a weekend warrior of the natural type, then "Surviving the Wild Outdoors" will be a fascinating read for you.

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  • Surviving The Wild Outdoors - eBook
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    Do you love to be outdoors? Can you imagine yourself living off ofthe wild, totally cutting off your dependence on the conveniences of modern civilization - even if only for a few days? If you're a weekend warrior of the natural type, then “Surviving the Wild Outdoors” will be a fascinating read for you.

    Learn how a real-life survivor man with 25 years’ experience in outdoor primitive and survival skills can teach you all the details about life in the wild. What if you were dropped into a situation in which you had to totally depend on your skills to survive in the wild? What would you do to survive?

    Many of us who live in cities become soft and comfortable, noticing with frustration when the thermostat moves just a degree or two in the wrong direction.

    You don't have to quit your job, sell your home, and move into the wilderness to benefit from the valuable lessons in this book. It would be wise for all of us to have a better understanding of how to survive if we had to without relying on modern conveniences.

    There's not enough space to tell you about all the things you'll learn in this valuable e-book, but here's a sample:

    The first thing to do when you realize you're lost
    How to make a quick and easy shelter
    How to recognize deadly versus edible plants
    How to protect yourself from dangers in the wild
    And much, much more

    Don't put it off any longer. If you or a loved one were caught unexpectedly in the outdoors with no way to rely on the conveniences of modern life, what would you do? Would you survive? You would if you had learned and internalized the life-saving lessons in “Surviving the Wild Outdoors.” Don't take a chance. Get your copy today!

    Licence :Master Resell Rights
    € 1.99 EUR 31 May 2015 08:24 PM 5737

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