Browsing Category Cookbooks

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Viewing Current Category

  • Ultimate Casseroles

    Ultimate Casseroles is a collection of over 500 casserole recipes. Everyone loves casseroles, and here you'll find plenty to satisfy everyone's taste - Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Sausage, Seafood, Vegetable, and Fruit casseroles - all categorized with an easy-to-use, clickable table of contents. This cookbook is an excellent addition to your library or to have on your computer.
    € 0.99 EUR 21 July 2011 10:37 PM 0 6379 0.0

  • Crock Pot Cookbook

    The book has been organized by category (Beef, Casseroles, Chicken & Turkey, Desserts, Dips & Fondues, Pasta, Pork, Sausage, Seafood, Soups/Stews/Chili, and Vegetable Recipes) with a table of contents that makes it easy to find what you want. So, if you've got a chicken sitting in your fridge screaming at you to do something before it gets too old you can go to the "Chicken and Turkey"…
    € 0.99 EUR 21 July 2011 10:32 PM 0 6515 4.0

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