Browsing Category Vegetarian

liquam in sapien non sem ultrices luctus. Vestibulum non orci ac nisl egestas ultrices quis eget mauris. Vestibulum commodo lorem eu nisl pellentesque faucibus. Vestibulum a erat nunc, eu cursus tellus.

Viewing Current Category

  • Becoming Vegetarian

    The evidence is in -  millions of people are moving toward a vegetarian diet because it offers a healthful and environmentally sound alternative to the standard diet. Becoming Vegetarian is the ultimate source for making this valuable and beneficial life change. Packed with authoritative vegetarian and vegan nutrition information from established and savvy experts, this powerful book takes the…
    € 6.99 EUR 21 July 2011 11:05 PM 0 4767 0.0

  • Forks Over Knives

    What if one simple change could save you from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer? For decades, that question has fascinated a small circle of impassioned doctors and researchers—and now, their life-changing research is making headlines in the hit documentary Forks Over Knives. Their answer? Eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet—it could save your life.It may overturn most of the diet advice you've…
    € 6.99 EUR 21 July 2011 11:04 PM 0 5073 0.0

  • Cookouts Veggie Style

    Hamburgers, hot dogs, and barbecue ribs.Sounds like the perfect all-American cookout--unless you're a vegetarian. With more people adopting a mainly vegetarian diet, the choices might seem limited for all those great outdoor parties. Whether it's a barbecue or a picnic in the park, it's time to get creative with meatless summer meals! Inside are mouthwatering recipes such as:Grilled Seitan…
    € 8.99 EUR 21 July 2011 11:02 PM 0 5378 0.0

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